“Every job Start & End with Safety and Environment protection”

Phenomatrical considers health, safety and security of our employees to be most important factor at a same time our commitment to protect environment to be crucial issue.

We hold safest and highest standard. Our employees are highly valued and we want to ensure that they can return home to their family safely each day. We believe that, safety is a culture that must be continuous focused each day in the work environment.

To achieve health and safety of our Employee, contract workmen, we shall work towards,

  •  Identification of HSE risks and opportunities in our operations
  •  Eliminating unsafe incidents, prevention of occupational illness and injuries at the workplace
    • • We shall identify hazards and assess risks pertaining to our operations on a periodic basis.
    • • We shall deploy safety officer at all project workplace to monitor and control employee health and safety matters.
    • • We shall work on continually improving the maturity of emergency response for mitigating operational threats and vulnerabilities.
    • • We shall facilitate Medical assistance to all personal working in our workplace as deemed appropriate and in line with policy guideline.
  •  Embedding HSE culture in the organization

To achieve Environment Protection, we shall work towards,

  •  We shall ensure sustainable resource usage.
  •  We shall explore and implement measure to mitigate impact of our operation on climate change.
  •  We shall work towards pollution prevention.
  •  We shall work effectively and efficiently when we are going use Water, Electricity, Fuel and Gas during operation.

We shall work each and every task keeping in mind safety and environment first with ethics, obligation and adherence.